

In 2008, griffix® was very successfully launched in Germany and has enjoyed great popularity ever since. Reason enough for Pelikan to launch a further development of the learn to write system in 2014.

Learning how to write is fun with griffix®

In 2008, griffix® was very successfully launched in Germany and has enjoyed great popularity ever since. Reason enough for Pelikan to launch a further development of the learn to write system in 2014.

All innovations can be found all at one glance here:   The PDF to Download!

4 step learn to write system

griffix® is the first holistic product concept that provides consistent support in the process of learning how to write from the beginning on. Pelikan thereby unites four learn-to-write writing instruments to form one coherent, sequential system: the wax pen, the pencil, the ink pen and the fountain pen.

griffix griffzonen collageErgonomic Grip Zone

griffix® was developed alongside with scientists and teachers for children's hands. The ergonomic design supports a natural and relaxed writing posture.

The sympathetic smiley face supports a correct pen grip: If the smiley face shows upwards, the fingers are in the right position in the grip zone.

By the way:

In a griffix® long term test in a primary class of an elementary school in Hamburg (Preschool to grade 4), the learn to write process of the classes using griffix® pens ran smoother by 33% comparing to the control classes.

Extra Tip: The sitting sign

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Learning to Write in Practice

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Students' Material

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