Students' Material

Topics of Issue 1:
- Time travel of mankind: Hunters and gatherers - New Stone Age
- My interests: Thoughts on the future - How I can find my dream job and what I can do to reach it
- D // You and I Exploring one’s own learning environment
Topics of Issue 2:
- Time travel of mankind: 5000 years ago - raw material metal
- D // You and I Exploring one’s own living environment
- Working with Machines "Operational demands"
Topics of Issue 3:
- My interests: Operational tasks in an enterprise (Purchase > Production > Sales)
pocket money diary - Working with machines: machines take over the work – forms of unemployment.
- Working with machines: How could my dream job look like?
Topics of Issue 4 - Discover your future:
- Time travel of mankind: 240 years ago – Steam engines take over work
- My interests: The world of tomorrow
- You and Me: Recognizing the connection between the living environment and a dream job
Topics of Issue 5 - Discover your future:
- Timetravel of Mankind: Contemporary demands
- You and Me: Exploring products
- My Interests: The world of tomorrow