
Pelikan has released two special fountain pens for left-handed pupils: The Pelikano and the Pelikano Junior. These fountain pens assist this writing style through the specially formed front piece / grip mould on the model for the left-handed.


Practical Handwriting: Left-handed

Pelikano und Pelikano Julior - die Schulfüller von Pelikan

Pelikan has released two special fountain pens for left-handed pupils: The Pelikano and the Pelikano Junior. In most cases, our handwriting is typically dominated by the right-handed as we write from left to right. The writing of letters consists of a pulling movement. A left-handed person on the other hand uses a pushing movement.

The Pelikano and Pelikano Junior fountain pens assist this writing style through the specially formed front piece / grip mould on the model for the left-handed. It is very important that the left-handed hold their pen further at the top in order to be able to view their handwriting without their fingers or the nib blocking the viewpoint. All in all it is basically like a mirrored perspective of a right-handed person.

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The proper gripping method

The writing instrument should be held loosely. The thumb gently pushes it against the lower joint of the middle finger. The tip of the index finger should never lie further than 10-15 mm away from the tip of the writing instrument. The shaft of the writing instrument should rest on the upper region of the index finger - not between the thumb and middle area of the index finger! Beginners should always write without mounting the cap on the rear end of the writing instrument.

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The perfect lighting while writing

While writing one gets the best lighting conditions if the light shines from the corner of the page toward the direction in which the writing instrument is pointing.

Page positioning

The page should be positioned roughly a hands width away from the edge of the desk - The left-handed should tilt the page slightly clockwise, and the right-handed anticlockwise.


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